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Aquatic Park Senior Center 

San Francisco Aquatic Center. Four seals sitting by water.

Reconnect and Celebrate! Join us for a fun-filled afternoon hosted by the Aquatic Park Senior Center in San Francisco. We’re opening our doors and welcoming back program participants. This is your opportunity to reconnect with friends, staff and our community.

Event Details:

  • When – Tuesday, August 23
  • Time –  12:30 pm to 3:30 pm
  • Where – Aquatic Park Senior Center, San Francisco

Enjoy finger foods, music and activities. To commemorate our coming together, we will have a surprise drum circle creating a one-of-a-kind memorable experience for all who participate. Attend the event and enter our raffle for a chance to win gift cards and other prizes.

Please note that a well-fitted mask and proof of vaccination are required, for all, while in the building.

Learn more about us at