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Sequoia Living Continues Promoting Health & Well-being Among Older Adults with Stroke Prevention and Awareness Campaign

Increased education is integral to reducing the life-changing impact of a stroke, especially among older adults. This webinar is presented by Sequoia Living. – According to the American Stroke Association, stroke is dangerous and deadly: the number five cause of death and a leading cause of disability in America. Knowledge and management of heart-related risk factors help reduce the impact of a stroke and improve outcomes, especially among older adults. Inspired by the annual World Stroke Day campaign, Sequoia Living will host a stroke prevention and awareness webinar on November 9, 2022 at 2:00 pm.
Older adults have a greater chance of experiencing a stroke and need to know their risk factors. To educate Sequoia Living residents, program participants, and the public, Dr. Claude Nguyen will present a one-hour Zoom webinar on stroke awareness and prevention, as well as what you need to know for recovery after experiencing a stroke.
Stroke is an emergency, and recognizing early signs F.A.S.T. is crucial: Face, look for an uneven smile; Arm, check if one arm is weak; Speech, listen for slurred speech; Time, call 911 right away. Timely medical care is crucial for reducing the impact on the brain.
Sequoia Living recognizes that increased education is integral to reducing the life-changing impact of a stroke. Through this health and well-being initiative, older adults can be better informed and empowered to implement lifestyle changes good for the heart and good for the brain.
A healthier lifestyle, and controlling health conditions may help reduce the risk of a stroke. Here are three quick tips that can help prevent stroke.
1. Choose healthy foods and drinks.
2. Get regular physical activity.
3. Check cholesterol and control blood pressure.
At Sequoias Living, the health and well-being of those who live and work here is a continuous endeavor. We strive to create stimulating, joyful living environments that support and enrich the lives of older adults.
For additional information and to register for the webinar, please visit: