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The Health Benefits of Trails, Paths and Sidewalks

Hiking | older adult couple, hiking trail near The Sequoias Portola Valley

It’s no secret that exercise helps your body and mind feel better. Exercise benefits your overall well-being and helps your mind stay sharp. Physical activity can even help improve your mood. It can also improve sleep, helping you get a deeper, more restful slumber. In this article, we’ll discuss the health benefits of walking outdoors, whether on trails, paths, or sidewalks. 

What comes to mind when you think of exercise – going to the gym, attending a yoga class, or doing cardio on the elliptical? Exercise doesn’t mean lifting weights or attending a class. A 20-minute one-mile walk outdoors is a healthy alternative with sunshine and fresh air. It’s a way to say “hello” to neighbors and friends.

The Physical Benefits of Walking

People who regularly walk live longer and healthier lives than those who are more sedentary. Walking is a wonder drug. For older adults, it can be a great way to keep fit. Regular walks can help relieve aches and pains, strengthen the immune system, and curb sugar cravings.

That’s not all. Staying active by walking regularly can provide many health benefits to people of all ages, especially seniors. Walking helps you maintain a healthy weight, lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, and strengthen your muscles and bones. It also helps with anxiety and depression.

But wait, there is more.

Want to Sleep Better? Take a Walk. 

There is a strong connection between walking and sleep among seniors. Regular activity, such as walking, has been shown to improve the quality and duration of sleep in older adults. Here are two reasons why:

  1. Internal Clock Reset: Being in the sun during the day helps your body know when to sleep at night, so you can fall asleep more easily when it gets dark outside.
  2. Burn Energy: Walking helps older people use more energy during the day to feel more tired and ready for sleep at night. A New York Times article discusses that with more movement an adult had, the better sleep quality they reported. 

Walk Your Way to Your Best Life 

Whether you prefer walking trails, nature paths, or trekking through the city, Sequoia Living Life Plan Communities offer many opportunities to get the walking time you need.

Walking can be more than just a form of exercise. It can also be a social and learning activity. Walking with a friend or pet, greeting others, or listening to a podcast or book can make you enjoy the rewards of getting your steps. 

“Moving here was ideal. I’ve hiked up to Windy Hill several times and wanted to end up in a community with access to the outdoors like The Sequoias,” says Helen, The Sequoias Portola Valley resident. “This is perfect for me.” 

Discover the many opportunities for walking at a Sequoia Living community in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

Explore The Sequoias San Francisco on Geary Blvd. next to Japantown.

Find out why retirees love The Sequoias Portola Valley next to Windy Hill Preserve.

Venture into nature’s beauty at The Tamalpais Marin near Muir Woods and Cataract Falls.

Access the walkable neighborhood with views of Mt Diablo at Viamonte Walnut Creek.