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Letter from Sara McVey, President and CEO of Sequoia Living

Home Office Team at Sequoia Living in San Francisco

Photo: Sequoia Living Home Office Staff, San Francisco, California


Looking back over 2024, I could go on and on about all the amazing things the Sequoia Living team has achieved together with the help of our program participants, residents, and community. We’re here because we care, and that makes us unstoppable. From the smallest tasks to the biggest projects, every step we’ve taken shows our dedication, teamwork, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Here are some 2024 highlights:

  • We welcomed 168 new residents to our four life plan and three affordable housing communities;
  • The San Francisco Senior Center served 200 Thanksgiving meals to participants, contributing to the 55,297 hot meals we served in the last year;
  • Our 178 volunteer tutors with Empowering Children Bay Area improved the reading of 258 elementary school students;
  • We had 108 team members either join or return to the ranks of the Sequoia Superheroes;
  • And our Foundation, Senior Services for Northern California, raised over $2,350,000 in donations and grants which contribute to the quality of life for our team and the people we serve.

Our efforts impacted thousands of lives and created a bond that goes beyond just working together. Each milestone we’ve reached, every challenge we’ve overcome, and each new idea we’ve brought to life have been thanks to our commitment to our shared goals. Let’s take a moment to reflect on our journey, celebrate what we’ve achieved, and look forward to even more great things as we usher in 2025.

We are creating something truly amazing together! Here is to another fabulous year in 2025.

Happy Holidays!

Sara McVey
President and CEO
Sequoia Living