“Welcome to My Kitchen,” season one, is a docu-series that shines a spotlight on the lives of home cooks and the stories behind their dishes. The program brings together older adults and youth from diverse backgrounds, offering a delightful intergenerational experience presented by Sequoia Living.
Through the power of shared culinary experiences, the program fosters meaningful connections. It aims to bridge generational gaps and share intergenerational wisdom while nurturing a sense of belonging.
The series allows older adults and Bay Area youth to pass down recipes, preserving family traditions and history. “Welcome to My Kitchen” celebrates the richness of culinary heritage, cultivating a healthier and more joyful experience for all involved.
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Experience the culinary adventure
of “Welcome to My Kitchen”
Meet Ernest, a Welcome to My Kitchen participant who shares his pot roast with root vegetables created in an InstaPot. One of his favorite childhood dishes.
Meet Mrs. Ma, who shares a recipe for dry-fried beef (and chicken) flat rice noodles (chow fun). She learned to cook Cantonese dishes from her grandmother.
Meet Liam, a young Bay Area resident who enjoys playing piano and baking. In this episode, he shares his cinnamon rolls recipe.
Meet Mr. Li, who shares his garlic steamed tiger shrimp recipe with rice noodles. He has fond memories of his mother cooking this dish when he was a young boy in China.
Meet Emilia, an 11-year-old avid baker from the East Bay. Watch as she shares her Crumble Lattice Apple Pie recipe, topped with Cardamom Whipped Cream. Emilia’s creativity shines through as she adds her personal touch to each recipe. You can find her reading or tending to her pets when she’s not baking. Learn more about Emilia and her apple pie recipe, watch the video.
Meet Mrs. He, a participant in Welcome to My Kitchen, who shares her traditional Chinese cuisine. Her time-honored recipe for chicken and beef wontons is a must-try. In addition to being a wonderful home cook, Mrs. He is also an avid gardener, showcasing her beautiful garden and bountiful vegetable plots. At 76, Mrs. He practices her dancing routine on the terrace of her community, incorporating Tai Chi into her daily exercise routine. Born in China and having lived in San Francisco for many years, she cherishes precious moments with her family in the Bay Area.
Meet Ms. Vicky, a lifelong resident of the Bay Area who is sharing her Chicken Pot Pie recipe. This dynamic 65-year-old will guide you through every step of the way and provide tips on how to make this dish even better. She also shares a quick tip on drying fresh herbs, so you can always have your favorite flavors and aromas on hand. For more information on Ms. Vicky’s recipe, watch the video.