
  • A Village of support, Erick's journey, future planning, from kitchen to sales, Hispanic Heritage Month. Erick standing in dining room.

    In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month A remarkable journey unfolds in a senior living community in the heart of Marin County amidst picturesque views of Mount Tamalpais and bay waters.Read More

    September 14, 2023

  • Volunteerism, Reading Tutor. Elderly man reading with child.

    Volunteering has the power to boost longevity. And it's good for the community. No matter your age, volunteering has a positive impact. A longitudinal study of aging shows thatRead More

    August 23, 2023

  • Skilled Nursing | The Sequoias Portola Valley, caregiver staff with resident

    Did you know giant sequoias are the world’s largest and hardiest trees known for their continuous growth? At Sequoia Living, our guiding philosophy is rooted in Never Stop Growing.Read More

    August 11, 2023

  • Freedom, male resident, David, The Sequoias San Francisco

    The excitement of homeownership wanes over time. Things break. Upkeep becomes harder and harder year after year. Even changing a light bulb becomes dreadful. Where did the freedom of homeownershipRead More

    July 12, 2023

  • Summer, traditions and fond memories. Beach with people. Woman with paddle boards in water.

    Summer traditions weave a tapestry of fond memories and unforgettable adventures. Do you remember the thrill of building sandcastles and stomping waves? Or the trips to visit Grandma orRead More

    June 29, 2023

  • retirement community, LGBTQ+ Resident. Elderly woman smiling for headshot.

    Are you an LGBTQ+ senior searching for a retirement community where you can feel accepted and supported? Look no further than The Sequoias San Francisco. This community promotes diversityRead More

    June 7, 2023

  • ikigai, Heather found her calling in senior living. Heather, wearing pink athletic top, sitting for an interview.

    What is Your Ikigai? Ikigai (ee-key-guy) is a Japanese philosophy that translates to “the meaning of your life.” This concept of ikigai has gained worldwide notoriety through TED Talks,Read More

    May 24, 2023

  • resident playing piano

    Retirement can be a wonderful time to pursue activities you've always wanted to do but never had time for. Upon retirement, May Lynne Lim picked up playing the pianoRead More

    April 26, 2023

  • beautiful purple wildflowers with a brown and orange butterfly resting on top of the flower.

    Retirement is a chapter in life that offers ample opportunities to explore new passions, experiences, and interests and explore the beauty around you. After decades of working and buildingRead More

    April 18, 2023

  • Sequoia Living resident next to a garden bed

    As you age, staying active and engaged in activities that keep you physically and mentally fit is important. One such activity that is popular among Sequoia Living residents isRead More

    April 12, 2023