Explore more about Sequoia Living’s enriching programs, Life Plan Communities, and services. Read the latest on the happenings at Sequoia Living, find helpful resources on topics like preparing for a move and downsizing for seniors, fall prevention, legacy and estate planning, and view previously recorded educational webinars.

While falls are prevalent, they are largely preventable. If you or a friend has fallen, you’re not alone. More than one in four people age 65 years or older falls each year. To help reduce fall risk and to prevent their consequences, Sequoia Living focuses on measures year-round to keep older adults safe and healthy.
It is important to have factual and useful information about healthy, joy-filled aging. This is why Sequoia Living and Senior Services for Northern California (SSNC) produced this series of webinar presentations with subject matter experts. Click below to register for current webinars and watch past recordings.