In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month A remarkable journey unfolds in a senior living community in the heart of Marin County amidst picturesque views of Mount Tamalpais and bay waters.Read More
September 14, 2023
Why is diversity important in senior living? Fostering diversity promotes equality, reduces biases, and cultivates a sense of belonging among residents, their families, and staff. Moreover, it encourages and honorsRead More
February 24, 2023
When I lived in Seattle, the local Pride Parade was one of the highlights of summer. It was so powerful to experience a mass of people coming together, singing, laughing,Read More
June 26, 2020
Dear Sequoia Living Staff, Residents, and Customers, It has taken me a few weeks to find my voice – I realize that it is not about having the perfect words,Read More
June 25, 2020